2021-2022 HKUST Intramural Sports Competitions
The HKUST Intramural Sports Competitions are student-organized functions involving students from various departments, the sports clubs and the Sports Association.
The 1st HKUST Intramural Sports Competitions was held in 2000-01. Six competition events will be held in 2020-21, including
Aquatic Meet, Athletics Meet, Campus Run, Badminton, Basketball and Football Competition.
The objectives are:
To promote active campus life through sports competition opportunities for all students;
To instill a sense of belonging among students in the same department;
To provide learning opportunities and to promote cooperation between different student groups.
Links of General Rules and related appendices
General Rules of 2022-23 HKUST Intramural Sports Competition
Appendix IA - No-Team Quota Registration List
Appendix IB - Non-major Competitor List
Appendix II (A+B) - Event Participation Intention Registration Form
Appendix III - Team Registration Form
Appendix IV - Participant Registration Form
Links of Events Rules, team entry forms and appendices
21-22 ISC Football - Event Rules
21-22 ISC Basketball - Event Rules